Events & Activities
Below you'll find information about upcoming events, plus photo galleries of some of the wonderful events we've held in the past.
Upcoming Events
Christmas Poetry Trail
Appearing across our community this Advent and Christmas, FCN will be displaying a new poem for every day of December, up to and including Christmas Eve, as part of its Christmas Poetry Trail.
In partnership with Churches Together in Furzedown and our sponsor Hazel's you’ll be able to read poems about Joy (and a smidge of pain), Peace (and a dash of War), Hope (and a bit of despair ) and Love (no Hate though – it is Christmas after all). There will be nonsense poems, and funny poems, thoughtful poems and Johnny Cash covers (for the Dads). Hopefully all tastes are catered for.
Keep a daily eye on the Furzedown Chat Group and here and you will then see where the poem of the day is located until by Christmas Eve we will have a full trail. To get you started the first poem will be found on December 1st at Mitcham Lane Baptist Church.
As if that wasn’t enough there’s also a chance to win a prize. If you visit every poem and collect the hidden letter (not that hidden) on each sheet you will be able to make a phrase. The first person, chosen by our judges, to send their answer to after Christmas Eve’s final poem will be announced as the winner and will receive a voucher worth £25 to use at Hazel’s.
Christmas Tree Lights Switch On
The Christmas Tree Lights Switch-on
on the corner of Thrale Road and Mitcham Lane SW16
Friday 6th December 2024
3.30pm - 5.30pm
The Great Gustos and local primary school choirs singing Christmas carols, fun and free craft activities, mince pies and hot chocolate and a visit from Father Christmas!
Past Events
Jazz on the Lawn
About 300 people enjoyed another fabulous afternoon of Jazz on the Lawn on Sunday 6th August.
Thank you to the South London Jazz Orchestra and to Streatham Park Bowling Club for hosting us, and of course to all our great volunteers for cooking and serving refreshments, our compliments to the chefs!
Furzedown Fun Day 2023
On the wettest and windiest day of the summer... we held our fabulous Furzedown Fun Day! It may have been far from ideal weather but Furzedown supported the event with gusto! To everyone who came along to enjoy the day, supported the artists and bands and bought from the stallholders, to all the volunteers who persevered, hung onto gazebos and kept everyone’s spirits up, and to the FCN planning team who worked for months putting this together, a huge thank you!
Faylands Garden Project
The FCN received a £250 grant from Wandsworth Great Green Week for improvements to Faylands Children's Centre outdoor area.
The money helped us to refurbish the outdoor planters which had fallen into disrepair after the pandemic, providing paint, more soil and compost. We bought plants to re-establish the herb garden and are growing strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, courgettes, green beans, potatoes and peppers.